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What Is Catnip and Why Do Cats Love It?

thinklin Pet Care

Chances are if you have ever seen a cat rolling in bliss after being in contact with the plant, they have discovered catnip. The Briton proved an instant hit with cat owners thanks to its almost miraculous effect on cats, as you can read below, and has remained a mystery shrouded herb for millennia. What Is Catnip and Why Do Cats Love It So Much? But just WHAT is this cat special spice, and why do cats love it so much?

In this guide we go over all the details on catnip from what science says about catnip to how catnip affects cats and if it is safe for cats.

What Is Catnip?

When grown, it is a perennial herb in the mint family, Nepeta cataria. Claviceps purpurea is a fungus that grows naturally in Europe, Asia, and North America. Nepetalactone, a substance found in the essential oil of this plant, causes this strange reaction in cats.

Upon smelling the nepetalactone in catnip, the compound enters through the nasal cavity and binds to receptors, activating sensory neurons that cause a reaction in neurons that process the signal in the brain. This creates moods as varied as euphoria, excitement, and relaxation in the individual cat.

What Does Catnip Look Like?

Catnip is a plant with green leaves and little purple or white flowers. The plant can grow to a height of three feet with a minty scent. Its readily available in multiple forms, including:

  • Fresh catnip — The leaves & stems of the full living plant
  • Dried catnip which are leaves that are crushed and then put in toys or sprinkled
  • Catnip spray – A liquid derived from catnip essential oil

Stuffie toys – To stuff or not to stuff? With the answer being always to stuff and here are some options for the stuffing; Catnip-infused toys — toys filled with dried catnip in a plush or fabric action figure

Why Do Cats Love Catnip?

The effects kick in almost immediately once a cat smells catnip. Here are examples of some of the more common behaviors:

✔ Rolling around on the floor

✔ Rubbing their face with the catnip

✔ Licking or chewing the leaf

✔ Leaping or racing around with enthusiasm

✔ Meowing or purring loudly

Each cat reacts differently. It can make some feel playful and frisky while the opposite can happen with another making them relaxed and wanting to sleep. The effects typically last 5 – 15 minutes, and then the cat quickly loses interest until the scent dissipates.

Why Are Cats Attracted to It?

Scientists think that nepetalactone is a molecular mimic of feline pheromones and as such elicits a short reflexive response. No wonder why cats seem so attracted to it, a natural stimulant that activates their senses.

Fascinatingly, 30-50 % of cats just don't react at all to catnip. The ability to respond to catnip is inherited: up to 70% of cats do not possess the genetic proprietary to experience its effects.

Does catnip affect kittens and big cats?

Most kittens younger than three months old do not react to catnip due to underdevelopment of the sensory receptors that detect it.

Lions, tigers, and other big cats will also respond to catnip, rolling and rubbing against it when they take in the chemical.

Is Catnip Safe for Cats?

Short Answer: yes, catnip is totally safe for cats! It is generally safe, and is not likely to have negative health impacts where used correctly. However, moderation is key.

Can Cats Overdose on Catnip?

There is actually no such thing as an overdose which would harm your kitty, though too much catnip may upset your cat's stomach causing it to vomit or have diarrhea. If your kitty overdoses, just give them a break from catnip for a while.

Answer : Yes, animals such as cats may develop addictive behaviors, such as overindulgence in catnip.

Catnip is harmless, so not even a little bit addicted, no. The effects fade away with time, and tolerance cannot be developed. Even in high doses, it can make kitty quite loopy, but repeated exposure can dull the senses, so a tiara or two is the best way to go.

How To Spend Catnip For Your Cat

As you may have guessed, catnip is not all fun and games; it can be used for training and enrichment as well. So here are some brilliant ways to leverage catnip:

Encouraging Playtime

Catnip is a good idea for just about any cat that doesn't do much, because it can excite them into playing. Try:

✔ Offering them some dried catnip on a toy they particularly love

✔ Selling them a catnip toy

✔ Catnip spray on scratching posts

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Not all animals are stimulated by catnip, others, however experience a calming effect from the herb. For cats who get anxious in the car or at the vet, try:

☑️ Just putting a little catnip in the carrier

✔ Sprayed their bedding with catnip spray so they have a laid-back atmosphere

Focusing on Training and Better Behavior

It can assist in reinforcing the appropriate behaviors. You can sprinkle some catnip on the scratching post if your cat ignores it. Likewise, if you wish to redirect their focus away from furniture, use catnip-filled toys to promote proper playing.

Catnip for homes with multiple cats

For those with more than one feline unit, catnip is a way to have them interact. That said, keep a close eye on their behavior; some cats get possessive of catnip toys.

Alternatives to Catnip

While not all cats react to catnip, other natural plants are known to produce the same effect:

Silver vine (Actinidia polygama)

Chinese catnip, also known as Silvervine, is an even stronger plant than catnip, and is native to Asia. For all those cats who do not react to the catnip, it works.

Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis)

In the same way that it has a stimulating effect on cats, valerian root makes them excited and playful.

Tatarian Honeysuckle

Some cats respond with a catnip-like response to this plant's wood.

If you have one of those cats that just doesn’t respond to catnip, then perhaps one of these catnip alternatives will do the trick.

Final Thoughts

Catnip is an interesting herb that can stimulate the enjoyment center of many cats. It is non-toxic, temporary, and mild for cats that are affected by it. Catnip is a great enrichment tool you can use for play, training, or just chilling with your cat.

Keep in mind all cats are different, some are crazy for catnip and some couldn't care less. If your kitty loves it, use it as little as your kitty enjoys it to increase their balance and entertainment.